The way to 't Poortje

't Poortje is located in the centre of Haarlem, it is very easy to reach by car as well as by train.

By Car

When you travel by car we advise you to park in De Appelaar this is the Parking in the centre of Haarlem and is very well known.
From there it is a 5 minutes walk to 't poortje.
Walk sraight out the parking and turn right (Klokhuisplein), right again you'll find the Lange Begijnestraat.
In the Lange Begijnestraat you'l see the Toneelschuur, direct after the Toneelschuur you'll turn right.
Straight ahead you'll see 't Poortje.

By Train

Leave the Station on the side where the busses are parked.
This is the Jansweg, enter this to the right, follow the road till you you reach the trafficlights, after this point you'll see the Church, pass it and take the second street right, this is the Begijnesteeg, straight ahead you'll see 't Poortje.

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